Tomorrow is Sports Day! No hand held props will be permitted. Students who do not dress up should wear their uniform.
about 2 years ago, Melissa Morey
Tomorrow students should dress like a famous person or future career. Outfits must be school appropriate. No hand held props will be permitted. Students who do not dress up should wear their uniform.
about 2 years ago, Melissa Morey
Tomorrow is Hawaiian/Beach Day! Please make sure outfits are school appropriate. No hand held props will be permitted. Students who do not dress up should wear their uniform.
about 2 years ago, Melissa Morey
Thank you so much to everyone who sent in money! This will fund the birthday bag program for 10 months!
about 2 years ago, Melissa Morey
about 2 years ago, Melissa Morey
Tomorrow is Pajama Day! Please remember to bring shoes for recess and wear school appropriate pajamas. Anyone not participating should be in uniform.
about 2 years ago, Melissa Morey
Tomorrow is Western Day! Please remember no props will be allowed. Students choosing to not dress up should wear their uniform. We are also collecting money (tomorrow only) for our community birthday bags. The class who collects the most money earns an ice cream party.
about 2 years ago, Melissa Morey
Reminder: Monday we are collecting money for our Birthday Bag program. Our PTO has set up buttons in our square store so you can donate digitally and give the credit towards your child's class. The class that collects the most earns an ice cream party! We will announce the winning class during our pep rally on Tuesday. Click "Shop All" to find your child's teacher and donate electronically.
about 2 years ago, Melissa Morey
PTO is hosting Ice Skating Tonight at Nibco Park 6:00 - 8:00. Free admission, $3 skate rental. Concessions open for purchase. Hope to see you on the ice!
about 2 years ago, Mr. Chris Adamo
For Monday, January 30th
about 2 years ago, Melissa Morey
St. Thomas is hosting this free event for all children ages 9-14 this Saturday from 10am till 2pm!
about 2 years ago, Melissa Morey
Reminder: Tomorrow is the 100th day of school! We invite all students to dress up like a 100 year old!
about 2 years ago, Melissa Morey
Save The Date: 2023 Champs and Scholars Auction Night, Friday March 10th 6:30pm Would you like to offer a donation or sponsorship for the event? Follow the link to let us know and watch the STS Newsletter for more event details.
about 2 years ago, Melissa Morey
We are so proud of our Winter Child of the Light award winners! Congratulations!
about 2 years ago, Melissa Morey
We are planning some fun events for Catholic Schools Week, January 30th thru February 3rd! Check out the Spirit Days we have planned!
about 2 years ago, Melissa Morey
Let's try that again! Tomorrow, January 12th, is a $2 casual day!
about 2 years ago, Melissa Morey
Reminder: School is closed Friday, December 23 due to a Blizzard Warning. Today - please work to pick students up as early as possible due to the storm moving in. We'd like to get our staff home as early and as safely as we can.
about 2 years ago, Mr. Chris Adamo
If your in the building over the next week make sure you check the lost and found! We will be donating items over Winter Break! See an item that belongs to you? Email
about 2 years ago, Melissa Morey
lost and ound
Tomorrow is a free casual day! Normal casual day dress code or holiday sweater/shirt allowed!
about 2 years ago, Melissa Morey
Next week we will have a holiday themed Spirit Week! Join in the fun!
about 2 years ago, Melissa Morey
Spirit Week